Resources for new frontend engineers
I'm fortunate to meet several frontend engineers that are new to the role as professionals, recent grads (mostly from code schools) and self-taught developers. As a result, I give a lot of tips on good habits to adopt and suggestions on who to follow, what to read, and what to watch.
When I started my own career it was a different climate. Meetup didn't yet exist, events were scarce (with barely any women or people of color), and frontend development was not quite its own craft. It took me years to figure out what worked best for me to stay strong in a competitive market in which I was an anomaly.
A better way to sort with Ember ArrayController
A better way to sort Ember's ArrayController via Balint Erdi
Scaling back on jQuery and other JavaScript libraries
I'm observing a trend in blogs and presentations: scale back on libraries like jQuery.
In his popular presentation called "Enough With The JavaScript Already!," Nicolas Zakas points out that JavaScript is bloating our bandwidth, and we're not even using it all. Evan Hahn reminds us of some of jQuery's equivalent native DOM methods. Chris Love gently states, "In many ways thanks to jQuery, jQuery itself is no longer needed."
Sort lists with Ember ArrayController
Ember makes sorting lists easy with ArrayController. The first time I used it for sorting, it took longer than it should've to implement due the lack of solid examples. I hope this post helps others out there. This uses custom sorting to organize a list of blog posts.